Monday, January 20, 2014


FROM THE "ECONOMIC TIMES OF INDIA"--- 22nd    December 2012

Men and Masters
Tejinder Narang
First, man craves for physical well being and material comforts; second he prays for peace of mind and third, he desires a relationship with the Divine. First and second options dominate humanity; seekers of third option are scarce.  Natural Law supplies all such demands.

There are Masters sent from Higher Regions who offer physical and material comforts to their followers.  “ They are of the world; therefore speak of the world and the world hearth them”. (1 John 4.5) Their disciples remain in cycle of transmigration, because karmic principle mandates that what be given must be settled in multiple life forms for sustenance of this creation.

Masters of second option also emanate from still superior Consciousness. They propagate to their flock “peace of mind” through Holy Scriptures, worshipping, good deeds and charities.  They keep world a tolerable habitat, preserve balance of good and evil and offer solace to inmates of this “worldly prison” to be content with their lot. Their followers too return on earthly plane to reap rewards of their good actions in better environments where spiritual yearning may spring.

Perfect Masters—the third option-- are God in human form.{ “We are of God; he that knoweth God heareth us: he that is not of God hearth not us. (1 John 4.6)”.} They know their sheep. The sheep listen to their Whistle of Word. Such Masters unshackle these “elect” souls from “cosmic prison” through Divine “intimacy” attained by meditative concentration. One goes the way where the Beloved is.  That is eternal redemption-- where pain, pleasure and peace etc. are irrelevant.
Can a person find a Perfect Master? Not by choice, but by Grace.

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